
Showing posts from January, 2022


(a Facebook invite from Amara DiFrancesco, on 10/12/10... when we had been Facebook friends) 3:19 PM (3/19/22): [As of the summer of 2010, plans were in motion for me to spend the summer at Will Rice College... this was prior to my allegiance being with them, for semester 5 (I was at Hanszen College for semester 1 and Wiess College for semesters 2, 3 and 4)... before ultimately leaving Rice University... and transferring to Seton Hall University, as of the Fall of 2012] NOTE: In 2010, there were '11' colleges... at Rice University   7:35 AM (1/19/22): "From March 2019 to 7/6/20, I worked on my Couchsurfing profile's text section (aside from the '276' uploaded photos)... Such was a relaying of 'real-life' happenings, in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Missouri... Via my 'spiritual frequency decryption interface,' which was something developed on a laptop of mine (which had been involuntarily disabled in the Fall of 2019)... I had